Nieuws Brief 2020 10,Sep

Beste Lezer ,

betref: Bericht van Pastor James pandian vanuit india en hun zijn Vrouw elizabeth .

My beloved Kinderhuizen India kinderen

Church leaders and Christian believers in Holland. I greet you all in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ from Children Home India. Our organization is functioning very well by the grace of God in India but our Holland office was not functioning because of various problems he faced last few years. He will explain to you personally when he meets you.

Now by the grace of God it is working very well in Holland. He has become more active, visiting churches and individuals on behalf of the CHI. Recently the audit work was completed and the report was circulated among the prayer partners. Due to Corona pandemic our children are divided into small groups and kept under the sincere care of our parental volunteers houses. But we provide

the necessary food and other items to them once in a month.

All the children are coming to me now and then. We pray together, eat together and so on. Schools are closed and the children study by on line. We home an extension programme also. Those children stay with their mother or father. We support them with all their needs. They are also half orphans.

They come to church and mix with our regular children. This academic year, five children have finished the Higher secondary level and joining the colleges and Universites.

In Holland Prem raised 300 euros from one church and that money was used for the construction of rooftop in CHI building in Injampakkam Chennai India. Last week Prem did the presentation in another Reform Church in Almerie Netherlands and the Church is

raising money for the completion of the first floor in CHI.

We appreciate your co operation for building Christ kingdom in the hearts of our Children.

Please pray and support.


pastor. James Pandiyan.

Disciples Church

Co ordinator

Children Home

Phone : +91-996267527